A Few Easy Quick Less than 20 mins Heatless Hairstyles for Spring

Spring is right around the corner and your hair needs a refreshened and breezy look.  I many times go searching through YouTube and other websites on the internet to find hairstyles that I can call my own.  Sometimes, a girl needs a little change in her life. Styling is like the icing on the cake.  The health of your hair is key to make these styles not only inspiring to you but to others. 

My sister was the first of 5 sisters to stop relaxing.  My sister did the rest of us no justice when it came to styling her hair.  Today 9 years later all of us are sisterly naturalistas.  I was the 2nd of 5 to go next.  Your regimen and what you present daily may inspire a new naturalista to decide to go chemical free and embrace the beautiful, natural hair that we are blessed with. 

Below are 4 YouTube Videos of trendy spring/summer styles which will have you looking naturalistically beautiful.



Embrace every stage of your journey.  However, your journey may not be chasing after length.  This is a super cute hairstyle with a head wrap.

Medium Curly Hair will look great for Spring.

I am truly excited to find this video and look forward to trying this soon.  Isn’t it super cute?

No matter if you have chosen to keep your her short, tapered or however.  Make sure to keep your hair moisturized, shampooed and sealed.  Love and care for your hair because it is your crown.

Daisy Butler